Search Results On vivien leigh

vivien leigh

  • “Gone With The Wind”, Auction, unbelievable profit from 20 outfit, Vivien leigh

    Unbelievable profit from $20 outfit 2015-04-21 12:46:48

    It may not surprise you if it is said a dress worn by Vivien Leigh in “Gone With the wind” has fetched a whopping amount of $137,000. But the decade old dress which was on the verge of being thrown...

    Keywords: “Gone With The Wind”, Beverly Hills, “Gone With The Wind”, Dress

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    black swan, Michael Fassbender, black swan to lady macbeth the intense natalie is back, Vivien leigh

    Black Swan to Lady Macbeth : The intense Natalie is back 2013-05-04 13:27:06

    We have seen her darker side in the academy award winning role of a ballet dancer in the movie the Black Swann , where she  portrayed the layered character to the perfection. Now if you want to see the same...

    Keywords: Macbeth new film adaptation, natalie portman as lady Macbeth, Diana Wynyard, Michael Fassbender

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