Search Results On stephen frears

stephen frears

  • French Riviera movie fest, Paris, prestigious cannes film festival set to reveal it s line up, Stephen frears

    Prestigious Cannes film festival set to reveal it's line-up! 2013-04-18 05:46:44

    Interestingly, on Thursday, Hollywood names and arthouse directors get to hear if they are in the frame for the Palme d’Or at next month’s Cannes film festival which happens to be the world’s leading cinema showcase. Furthermore, the announcement, due...

    Keywords: French, Cannes, French Riviera movie fest, Hollywood

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    Lance Armstrong, Oprah Winfrey, lance armstrong s life to be filmed, Stephen frears

    Lance Armstrong's life to be filmed! 2013-07-30 09:05:46

    The biopic bug doesn't seem to have bitten Bollywood alone! Two times Oscar nominated British filmmaker Stephen Frears is making a biopic on American cyclist Lance Armstrong now. Actor Ben Foster has apparently been roped in to play the role...

    Keywords: doping charges, Tour de France, Stephen Frears, Lance Armstrong

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