(Image source from: Malaysia bans “Fifty Shades of Grey”})
The movie “Fifty Shades of Grey” has been reportedly banned in Malaysia. The highly anticipated and controversial Sadism and Masochism(S & M) movie was not permitted a certificate by the LPF, which is the Malaysian Censorship Board.
Chairman Abdul Halim Abdul Hamid said in a statement:"[The film is] more pornography than a movie ... The board made a decision in view of the film containing scenes that are not of natural sexual content. The content is more sadistic, featuring scenes of a woman being tied to a bed and whipped."
In International markets, the film has received different ratings, from laisser passer to strictly restricted.
In France, children of or above 12yrs can see the movie as the country’s film board has not certified it as an adult film.
France's classification president, Jean-Francois Mary, said the erotic drama "isn't a film that … can shock a lot of people,". He added that it's "a romance, you could even say schmaltzy."
While the British Board of Film Classification has certified it as a R-rated film “for strong sexual content including dialogue, some unusual behavior and graphic nudity, and for language”, meaning no younger will be permitted to see it.
In context to this movie which has received different ratings globally, there must be a standard protocol to rate such type of movies.
- Smrutirekha