Search Results On snooping


  • Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi, google in legal mess again, Snooping

    Google in legal mess again 2013-09-11 05:48:44

    In what can be deemed as a big legal blow for the Internet giant, a federal appeals court gave thumbs up to the lawsuit that incriminates Google of illegal wiretapping. Quite interestingly, the decision comes at a time when “online...

    Keywords: Google, Google, Google in legal mess again, Google

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    email, email, do you check your spouse s cell phone too much, Snooping

    Do you check your Spouse’s cell phone too much 2016-07-01 12:53:59

    How often are you looking through your spouse’s phone? Is it daily, weekly, monthly - or once in a blue moon to just make sure everything is perfect? In a 2013 study conducted in the United Kingdom and reported in...

    Keywords: email, whatsapp, whatsapp, spouse

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    USA, External Affairs Minister, usa snoops on india, Snooping

    USA snoops on India 2013-09-23 03:42:12

    USA is collecting lot of data pertaining to India through the records of telephone and internet.  The Director of National Intelligence a US Government Office collected 13.5 billion pieces of information over a period of one month.  The information collected...

    Keywords: Nation of India, US Government Office, External Affairs Minister, PRSIM

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