Stay away from artificial sweeteners, it may harm your health 2016-05-26 09:46:10
If trying to reduce the sugar and calories in diet, people may be turning to artificial sweeteners or other sugar substitutes. By offering the taste of sweetness without any calories, seem like that could be one answer to effective weight...
Keywords: artificial sweeteners, harm your health, sugar substitutes, artificial sweeteners
Read MoreCoca-Cola Life to hit a market! 2013-06-27 04:04:06
Coca-Cola Co announced scheme of arrangement on Wednesday to bring into notice a cola that is sweetened with sugar and naturally occurring, no-calorie sweetener stevia, the first such product to hit a market that is observed as key to the...
Keywords: Beverage Digest, Coke, Coca-Cola Co, no-calorie sweetener stevia
Read MoreCola that's naturally happening! 2013-06-27 04:11:26
Coca-Cola Co announced scheme of arrangement on Wednesday to bring into notice a cola that is sweetened with sugar and naturally occurring, no-calorie sweetener stevia, the first such product to hit a market that is observed as key to the...
Keywords: Cola that's naturally occurring, cola life, Coca-Cola Co, flagship cola
Read MoreCoca-Cola Life to get started! 2013-06-27 13:06:25
Coca-Cola Co announced scheme of arrangement on Wednesday to bring into notice a cola that is sweetened with sugar and naturally occurring, no-calorie sweetener stevia, the first such product to hit a market that is observed as key to the...
Keywords: Coca-Cola Life to get started, calories of regular Coke, Beverage Digest, Cola that's naturally occurring
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