Search Results On moon mission (Page 1 of 3)

moon mission (Page 1 of 3)

  • ISRO, Pragyan rover, pragyan has rolled out to start its work, Moon mission

    Pragyan has rolled out to start its work 2023-08-25 18:27:52

    On Thursday, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) announced that Chandrayaan 3 is running well and all the systems are working normally. Vikram Lander and Pragyan rover will start studying the moon's mineral composition and atmospheric activities. Pragyan rover is...

    Keywords: vikram lander, Chandrayaan 3 health update, India moon mission, Somanath on Chandryaan 3

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    Modi at BRICS, Narendra Modi respect, brics will break barriers narendra modi, Moon mission

    BRICS Will Break Barriers: Narendra Modi 2023-08-24 14:21:34

    On Wednesday evening Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the expansion of the BRICS membership at the open plenary session of the 15th Brics summit in Johannesburg, South Africa. Modi addressed the plenary just after the success of India’s moon mission,...

    Keywords: Narendra Modi updates, Narendra Modi respect, Narendra Modi updates, Narendra Modi respect

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    co-founder of Skyroot Aerospace, Narendra Modi, first indian will land on moon by 2040 narendra modi, Moon mission

    First Indian Will Land On Moon By 2040: Narendra Modi 2023-10-18 07:38:48

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi has set an ambitious goal for the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). He said India will establish an Indian Space Station by 2035 and will send the first Indian to the Moon by 2040. Narendra Modi...

    Keywords: ISRO-Human Mission, India's first Human Mission, Chandrayaan 3, Moon Mission

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    Chandrayaan 3 live updates, India moon mission, august 23rd india bracing up for two historic events, Moon mission

    August 23rd: India Bracing Up For Two Historic Events 2023-08-23 06:15:30

    The most dreamt project, India's Moon Mission, Chandrayaan-3 is all set for landing. Today at 06:04 PM Chandrayaan 3 will land on the moon. Indians are performing poojas for the safe landing, while the scientists have kept their fingers crossed....

    Keywords: FIDE World Cup final, FIDE World Cup final, Chandrayaan 3 landing, Vikram Lander Module

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    Chandrayaan 3 landing, Russia Luna 25, russian luna 25 spacecraft crashed, Moon mission

    Russian Luna-25 Spacecraft Crashed 2023-08-22 07:40:10

    The Russian space agency has officially announced that its Spacecraft Lune-25 has crashed into the moon. On Sunday Russia’s space agency Roscosmos reported that on Saturday they lost their contact with their spacecraft after it ran into trouble while preparing...

    Keywords: Chandrayaan 2 landing, Indian moon mission, Indian moon mission, Chandrayaan 2 landing

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    ISRO news, ISRO next mission, after chandrayaan 3 india plans for sun mission, Moon mission

    After Chandrayaan 3, India plans for Sun Mission 2023-08-26 07:53:12

    After India’s lunar mission Chandrayaan 3 succeeded, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is planning for another historic mission. ISRO might launch the Aditya L1 - India’s first space observatory for solar research in the first week of September. ISRO chairman...

    Keywords: India solar study, Chandrayaan 3 success, India mission on Sun, ISRO next mission

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