Search Results On los angeles times (Page 1 of 4)

los angeles times (Page 1 of 4)

  • Gurdwara, Gurdwara, man sentenced to 16 months in prison for vandalizing gurdwara, Los angeles times

    Man Sentenced to 16 Months in Prison for Vandalizing Gurdwara 2019-09-19 04:11:26

    A man from Los Angeles has been sentenced to 16 months in prison for vandalizing a gurdwara, place of assembly and worship for Sikhs, in 2017, according to a media report. In addition to the sentence, the 29-year-old Artyom Manukyan...

    Keywords: Hollywood Sikh Temple, Artyom Manukyan, Artyom Manukyan, Gurdwara

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    tulsi gabbard presidential campaign, Indian american community, indian american community turns a rising political force giving 3 mn to 2020 presidential campaigns, Los angeles times

    Indian American Community Turns a Rising Political Force Giving $3 Mn to 2020 Presidential Campaigns 2019-07-23 11:10:53

    Even though Indians make up merely 1 percent of the United States population, it has a growing political force. Indian Americans turned out to be the largest contributors to 2020 presidential campaigns with giving more than $3 million. Indian Americans...

    Keywords: Kamala harris, kamala harris presidential campaign, tulsi gabbrd, Indian americans

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    picnic spots, best picnic spots around the world, best picnic spots from around the world, Los angeles times

    Best Picnic Spots from Around the World 2019-06-19 12:42:47

    A perfect day off can never wind up without spending quality time with family and loved ones. But for few, making up mind on one picnic spot to holiday in is exhausting. A picnic, in general, is a meal taken...

    Keywords: Best Picnic Spots from Around the World, Best Picnic Spots from Around the World, best picnic spots, Best Picnic Spots from Around the World

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    earthquake in southern california, southern california, southern california shaken by strongest earthquake in two decades, Los angeles times

    Southern California Shaken by Strongest Earthquake in Two Decades 2019-07-05 13:34:01

    On Thursday, Southern California was rocked by its largest earthquake in two decades, a 6.4-magnitude tremblor that caused "substantial damage" at a military facility but otherwise only minor injuries in the sparsely populated area. The shallow quake, followed by dozens...

    Keywords: earthquake in southern california, earthquake in southern california, earthquake in california, southern california

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    stress, stress, here s how you can deal with stress amid the uncertainty during covid 19, Los angeles times

    Here's how you can deal with stress amid the uncertainty during COVID-19 2020-08-13 12:52:29

    Everyone's life is filled with uncertainty due to the unparalleled pandemic that has taken over the world. With the coronavirus pandemic taking over everyone's plans, people's minds are now filled with uncertainty and dubiousness be it in jobs or the...

    Keywords: life, life, life, thoughts

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    kamala harris age, kamala harris policies, kamala harris needs to do more to win over indian americans, Los angeles times

    Kamala Harris Needs to Do More to Win over Indian Americans 2019-07-31 05:52:14

    Indian Americans are being taken seriously by Democratic presidential candidates as the community has increasing political clout. Almost 50 percent of voting-age Asian Americans cast a ballot in the 2016 elections and some 1.5 million were Indian, according to the...

    Keywords: kamala harris policies, kamala harris sister, kamala harris nationality, kamala harris nationality

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