Search Results On heart failure (Page 1 of 4)

heart failure (Page 1 of 4)

  • Sugary Drinks news, Sugary Drinks latest update, beware of sugary drinks heart threats high, Heart failure

    Beware Of Sugary Drinks: Heart Threats High 2024-12-11 05:45:30

    A large Swedish study showed on Monday that drinking sugary drinks can significantly increase the risk of serious cardiovascular diseases such as stroke, heart failure and atrial fibrillation. The study also found that consuming too much added sugar can increase...

    Keywords: Sugary Drinks news, Sugary Drinks new update, Sugary Drinks breaking, Sugary Drinks news

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    Lawrence Faucette breaking news, Lawrence Faucette experiment, us man dies 40 days after pig heart transplant, Heart failure

    US Man dies 40 days after Pig Heart Transplant 2023-11-01 17:52:43

    A person based in USA is the second to receive a transplanted heart from a pig. This was an experimental surgery and the man passed away after 40 days after the surgery was successful. The man was identifed as Lawrence...

    Keywords: Lawrence Faucette news, Lawrence Faucette breaking news, Lawrence Faucette latest, Lawrence Faucette

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    Coronavirus breaking news, Coronavirus internal organs, coronavirus is not related to respiratory system says study, Heart failure

    Coronavirus is not Related to Respiratory System Says Study 2022-06-01 12:25:46

    It has been more than two years since the coronavirus pandemic attacked the mankind. Most of them feel that Coronavirus is a respiratory illness but it is not true. It also has a massive impact on the other body organs...

    Keywords: Coronavirus symptoms, Coronavirus breaking news, Coronavirus internal organs, Coronavirus health struggles

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    Swollen Feet heart, Swollen Feet, swollen feet a sign of congestive heart failure, Heart failure

    Swollen Feet: A Sign of Congestive Heart Failure? 2024-05-10 14:35:49

    If you've ever been stuck in your seat during a long plane ride, you may have gotten off the plane with swollen ankles and feet. This is common. When you sit for long periods of time at a time, gravity...

    Keywords: Swollen Feet health issues, Swollen Feet heart, Swollen Feet heart, Swollen Feet breaking updates

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    High Blood Pressure news, High Blood Pressure breaking news, all about high blood pressure, Heart failure

    All about High Blood Pressure 2024-07-08 11:23:00

    Blood pressure is a measure of the force with which blood presses against the walls of blood vessels. The heart pumps blood into blood vessels that carry blood throughout the body. High blood pressure, also called hypertension, means your heart...

    Keywords: Blood Pressure, High Blood Pressure updates, High Blood Pressure breaking updates, High Blood Pressure breaking news

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    Unexpected Weight Gain, Unexpected Weight Gain experts, ten most common causes behind unexpected weight gain, Heart failure

    Ten Most Common Causes Behind Unexpected Weight Gain 2025-01-22 14:23:46

    In many cases, unexpected weight gain can occur, often causing discomfort and confusion. This is weight gain without changing diet or activity level and can be caused by various physical, emotional or environmental factors. Sudden weight gain may indicate underlying...

    Keywords: Unexpected Weight Gain latest breaking, Unexpected Weight Gain latest, Unexpected Weight Gain tips, Unexpected Weight Gain

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