Search Results On freida pinto

freida pinto

  • , Durbevilles directed by Michael Winterbottom, frieda pinto in a hot shot, Freida pinto

    Frieda Pinto in a hot shot 2012-03-09 12:22:36

    Watch out the next Esquire and stands and you are bound to be bowled over by the awesome pics of Friedo Pinto. The Anglophile Freida Pinto made her niche mark in the Hollywood through the Slumdog Millionaire and acts as...

    Keywords: awesome pics of Friedo Pinto, Her upcoming flick `Tess of the Dubervilles’, Slumdog Millionaire, Durbevilles directed by Michael Winterbottom

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    Rani Mukerji, Samanth Akkineni, indian film festival of melbourne to take place following month rani mukerji as chief guest, Freida pinto

    Indian Film Festival of Melbourne to Take Place Following Month, Rani Mukerji as Chief Guest 2018-07-18 11:32:32

    The Indian Film Festival of Melbourne (IFFM) is scheduled to happen from August 10-22. On the jury are Simi Garewal, Nikkhil Advani, Sue Maslin, Jill Bilcock, Andrew Anastasios and Geoffrey Wright who will be choosing winners under the categories – Best...

    Keywords: Indian movies, India film actors, Indian movies, Indian movies

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    Freida Pinto to be Bond girl, Freida Pinto being a Bond Girl, freida pinto to play as bond girl, Freida pinto

    Freida Pinto, To Play As Bond Girl? 2017-04-11 12:09:40

    Freida Pinto would never play as Bond girl unless she was a character with her own voice. Freida Pinto has been dubbed being linked to a Bond girl role in a Hollywood "initiation ceremony". The 32 years old actress first...

    Keywords: Freida Pint To Play As Bond Girl, Freida Pinto being a Bond Girl, Freida Pint To Play As Bond Girl, Freida Pinto being a Bond Girl

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    Freida Pinto, Dev Patel, slumdog and life of pi actors h wood dream comes true, Freida pinto

    'Slumdog' and 'Life of Pi' actors H'wood dream comes true 2013-09-11 06:27:07

    Actors Dev Patel and Freida pinto easily strutted into Hollywood circuits with Danny Boyle's Oscar-winning flick "Slumdg Millionaire". But, things weren't the same for their co-stars who had to wait long  before the West noticed them. For their co-star, Madhur...

    Keywords: Freida Pinto, Freida Pinto, Dev Patel, Freida Pinto

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