Search Results On davan maharaj

davan maharaj

  • Non-resident Indians, Players in US Media, indian americans are influential players in american media, Davan maharaj

    Indian Americans Are Influential Players in American Media 2012-03-19 07:48:24

    With two of them governors, four billionaires and over a score sitting in high places in government, Indian Americans not only keep making news but have also emerged as major players in American media. Take Indian-born Aparism Bobby Ghosh, for...

    Keywords: Rajiv Chandrasekaran, Sanjay Gupta, Players in US Media, Aparism Bobby Ghosh

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    Davan Maharaj, Russ Station, indian origin journalist davan maharaj named editor of la times, Davan maharaj

    Indian-origin journalist Davan Maharaj named editor of LA Times 2011-12-15 05:03:29

    Indian-origin journalist Davan Maharaj has been named the new editor and executive vice president of the Los Angeles Times in succession to Russ Stanton, who led the paper to three Pulitzer Prizes, the paper announced. 49-year-old Trinidad-born Maharaj takes over...

    Keywords: Davan Maharaj, Los Angeles Times, Davan Maharaj, executive vice president

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