Search Results On covishield eu (Page 1 of 2)

covishield eu (Page 1 of 2)

  • AstraZeneca latest updates, AstraZeneca banned, astrazeneca withdraws covid vaccine globally, Covishield eu

    AstraZeneca Withdraws Covid Vaccine Globally 2024-05-08 07:00:36

    AstraZeneca has begun a global recall of its COVID-19 vaccine following reports that it can cause rare side effects. The vaccine, known as Covishield and developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University, is no longer being produced because of a surplus...

    Keywords: AstraZeneca recall, AstraZeneca news, AstraZeneca side effects, AstraZeneca breaking

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    Covishield EU new updates, Covishield EU news, nine european countries approve covishield in green pass, Covishield eu

    Nine European countries approve Covishield in Green Pass 2021-07-01 12:49:20

    In a shocking development, the European Union rejected the approval of the Indian vaccine Covishiled which left thousands of Indians who are traveling to the continent in trouble. The Indian government initiated talks with the European Union over the Green...

    Keywords: Covishield EU breaking news, Covishield EU, Covishield EU, Covishield EU banned

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    Covishield updates, COVAX updates, sii to resume covishield supply to covax, Covishield eu

    SII To Resume Covishield Supply To COVAX 2021-11-23 09:49:23

    Serum Institute of India (SII) based in India happens to be the world's largest vaccination manufacturer. Adar Poonawalla revealed that they would resume the supply of the coronavirus vaccine Covishield under the COVAX programme. The Indian government now allowed SII...

    Keywords: COVAX news, COVAX, Indian government, Indian government

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    EUL for Covaxin latest updates, WHO experts on EUL for Covaxin, who delays the eul decision on covaxin, Covishield eu

    WHO Delays the EUL Decision on Covaxin 2021-10-22 09:51:58

    The Emergency use Listing of Covaxin that is manufactured in India is yet to get an approval though it was predicted to be completed in October. A top official from the World Health Organization (WHO) said that the process of...

    Keywords: EUL for Covaxin news, WHO experts on EUL for Covaxin, EUL for Covaxin latest updates, EUL for Covaxin latest developments

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    Fake Covishield vaccines latest, WHO, who alerts india on fake covishield vaccine doses, Covishield eu

    WHO Alerts India On Fake Covishield Vaccine Doses 2021-08-18 07:04:54

    The second wave of coronavirus proved that there is a huge scarcity for vaccine doses in the country considering the Indian population. Around 11 crore people of the country received both doses of coronavirus and the vaccination drive is going...

    Keywords: Fake Covishield vaccines news, Fake Covishield vaccines news, Fake Covishield vaccines, Covishield

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    Covishield breaking news, Covishield rejected by EU, all about covishield s third dose and its ban with the european union, Covishield eu

    All about Covishield's third dose and its ban with the European Union 2021-06-29 07:39:02

    Covieshield is the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine that is manufactured in India. Recently, the European Union rejected granting Green Pass which is like a vaccine passport for all those who are vaccinated with Covishield and are travelling to the European countries. The...

    Keywords: Covishield breaking news, Covishield latest updates in India, Covishield third dose, AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine

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