One-fifth of the coronavirus patients had long Covid symptoms 2021-06-16 06:09:04
Everyone among the five coronavirus patients without any symptoms after testing positive for Covid-19 had an experience of having the complications for a month after the initial diagnosis. The results are revealed through analysis by non-profit FAIR Health encompassed insurance...
Keywords: Long Covid research, Long Covid breaking news, Long Covid USA study, Long Covid research
Read MoreCOVID-19 Report-Ventilators Are Less Effective For Aged Coronavirus Patients 2020-05-21 13:49:20
The Washington Post published about one of the study observations in the Lancet a couple of days ago. It is noticed by the medical servers at two New York hospitals where the aged COVID-19 patients did not survive even with...
Keywords: Ventilators for eldelry patients, Ventilation for COVID patients, Aged patients, Aged patients
Read MoreDelta variant makes USA tensed again 2021-07-08 12:19:57
The United States of America is one of the most impacted countries on the globe due to the coronavirus pandemic. USA is leading the list in the number of cases and deaths across the globe. After the cases calmed down,...
Keywords: Coronavirus, Coronavirus, USA Coronavirus Delta variant, USA Coronavirus
Read MoreAsian countries that successfully flattened the Covid-19 curve 2020-06-17 06:33:25
Lack of resources and poorer countries are often considered the ones at risks of Covid-19 extremities. But, even with such less access and manforce, there are some Asian countries that were successful in tackling the spread of the virus and...
Keywords: flattened the curve, flattened the curve, Covid-19, New Zealand
Read MoreVitamin D supplement Calcifediol can reduce death risk in COVID-19 patients: Study 2020-09-10 14:43:53
A Spanish study claims that Vitamin D supplement can reduce severity of COVID-19 and can even reduce death risk. A new study from Spain finds that administering high doses of Calcifediol which is a supplement of Vitamin D can help...
Keywords: Spanish researchers, Spanish researchers, COVID-19, COVID-19
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