Search Results On combing operation

combing operation

  • kidnap, Treated Tribals badly, kidnapped italians were treating tribal like monkeys maoists, Combing operation

    Kidnapped Italians were treating tribal like monkeys: Maoists 2012-03-19 07:55:47

    Two Italian tourists along with their Indian guide were kidnapped by Maoists. Later the Indian was released but the foreign tourists detained. India awoke to the kidnap of two Italian tourists along with their Indian accomplice on Saturday from the...

    Keywords: maoists, release comrades in jail., italian, release comrades in jail.

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    Treated Tribals badly, kidnap, 2 italians safe maoists, Combing operation

    2 Italians safe: Maoists 2012-03-23 05:31:54

    We have arrested two Italian tourists who like hundreds of foreign tourists ... treat the local people as monkeys and objects of ridicule: Maoists earlier. The two kidnapped Italian tourists along with their Indian accomplice last Saturday from the Kandhmal-Ganjam...

    Keywords: Maoists, Maoists, like Monkeys, like Monkeys

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    Maoists demand, Maoists demand, maoist s futile bid blast culvert in vizag, Combing operation

    Maoist’s futile bid, blast culvert in Vizag 2012-03-22 03:49:56

    Maoists make a futile bid in the wee hours of the day. Maoists in the Vishakhapatnam agency area have blasted a culvert in Chaparathi Palem Village. This village falls under the G K Veedhi mandal of the district. In the...

    Keywords: Maoists ideology, Maoists combing operations, Maoists ideology, Andhra-Odisha Border.

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    combing operation, Ganja Smuggling, police cross firing smugglers killed, Combing operation

    Police cross firing, smugglers killed 2012-04-09 06:25:50

    The police and the miscreants’ gang had a gun war in the early hours of the day in the East Godavari District of the state. In the melee, the miscreants succumbed to the bullets fired by the police. Ganja smuggling...

    Keywords: Ganja Smuggling, Ganja Smuggling, Ganja Smuggling, Police

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    Red Sanders, Smuggling, red sanders worth 3 cr dump unearthed in kadapa, Combing operation

    Red Sanders worth 3 Cr dump unearthed in Kadapa 2012-04-05 07:49:04

    The Forest Department officials unearthed a major dump of Red Sanders. The sleuths of the department in Kadapa found the dump which is initially estimated at Rs.3 Cr worth. The dump was found on a tip off in the early...

    Keywords: Smuggling, Case Crime, Red Sanders, Red Sanders

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    Abduction, Negotiations., govt to negotiate with maoists for collector, Combing operation

    Govt to negotiate with Maoists for Collector 2012-04-23 06:44:00

    The Chhattisgarh government is all set to start the negotiating process and by all means wants to get back the kidnapped loyal officer, safe. The whereabouts of the kidnapped Sukma district Collector Alex Paul Menon, are still at large. The...

    Keywords: Maoists, Alex Paul Menon, Collector, Collector

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