Search Results On baby care

baby care

  • Baby Care, Baby Nurturing, baby grooming, Baby care

    Baby grooming 2015-02-12 12:45:03

    Welcome to parenthood- it’s quite a ride. Have questions about baby sleeping  habits, baby care and feeding, health, development, and safety? Parents should be aware of do’s and don’ts when it comes to the care of tender life. Here is...

    Keywords: All You Need About Baby, Parenthood, Parenthood, Baby Nurturing

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    overweight babies, gestation, baby care includes the lifestyle of mothers, Baby care

    Baby care, includes the lifestyle of mothers 2015-02-03 12:24:34

    A research found that the lifestyle of the woman at conceiving will affect the kids’ health and obesity levels. According to the study the health and lifestyle factors of mothers even before the conception can have effect on the physical...

    Keywords: breast feeding, lifestyle of the woman, lifestyle of the woman, obesity of kids

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    Mass shooting in Thailand news, Thailand mass shooting, mass shooting in thailand kills 34, Baby care

    Mass Shooting In Thailand Kills 34 2022-10-06 10:39:40

    Almost 34 people have been killed in a mass shooting that took place today in Thailand. The incident took place at a day-care center and 22 children passed away among the 34. The culprit was identified as a former cop...

    Keywords: Mass shooting in Thailand breaking news, Mass shooting in Thailand latest, Mass shooting in Thailand deaths, Mass shooting in Thailand incident

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    Drop the sale of lightening products, Skin-whitening products, johnson johnson announces on stopping the sale of whitening creams in india, Baby care

    Johnson & Johnson announces on stopping the sale of whitening creams in India: 2020-06-20 06:17:41

    With the whole racial inequality debate and protests going online, any companies were targeted on the sale of their lightening creams and were ridiculed for still promoting Fair skin tone. Johnson and Johnson has announced that they are dropping the...

    Keywords: Skin-whitening products, Skin-whitening products, Drop the sale of lightening products, Drop the sale of lightening products

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    Andhra, Daily news in telugu, child care an art, Baby care

    Child care, an art? 2011-10-27 04:26:33

    Not every parent can succeed in taking care of their child and let him/her grow to be a well behaved, matured and responsible citizen. The growing crime rate, deaths and the suicides that are particularly high among the Youngsters are...

    Keywords: Sakshi news paper online, Telugu news papers, tips for child care, kids care

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