Tamil New Year is celebrated on the first day of the Tamil Month Chithirai. Tamil New Year is known as 'Puthandu' or 'Varusha Pirappu' by the people of Tamil community. It focus on prosperity throughout the year, and a prayer of thanks to the gods.
Be ready to attend the Tamil New Year celebration in Los Angeles! Don't miss! The Sankara Eye Foundation & Araneri Tamil School are mutually organizing Tamil New Year Event 2016 on Saturday, 23 Apr 2016 at Duarte Performing Arts 1410 Highland Ave Duarte, CA.
The event is scheduled to be begin at 2 PM and will be continued till 6 PM. According to organizers, the ticket for adults costs $8 while, it cost only $5 for kids under age 5 to 12. The ticket also include the dinner charge. You can visit www.giftofvision.org for more information about tickets.
Event details:
Name: Tamil New Year Event 2016!
Organized by: Sankara Eye Foundation & Araneri Tamil School
Venue: Duarte Performing Arts 1410 Highland Ave Duarte, CA
Date & Time: Sat, 23 Apr 2016, 2 PM to 6 PM
Sai: 310-920-1863
Sujatha: 626-590-3343