(Image source from: First F-16 without a human pilot takes off)
The F-16 fighter jets of the US Air Force do not need a human pilot anymore. In an interesting development, Boeing decided to remake the retired F-16 planes into drones to aid target practice at Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida.
Trainee pilots will have to face aging opponents, now called QF-16 Full Scale Aerial Target, to learn the ropes. This week, the first F-16 had taken off without a human piloting it. Manufacturer Boeing had retrofitted a retired F-16 for this unmanned test flight.
US fighter pilots are expected to learn how a real adversary would be like in the field and the QF-16 will meet that requirement. This Boeing F-16 warplane would be flown using remote controls from a ground control station at Tyndall.
Without a pilot, the aircraft performed a series of simulated manoeuvres. While in the air, the plane reached supersonic speeds and later returning to the base. US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Ryan Inman, Commander, 82nd Aerial Targets Squadron was quoted by Dailymail as saying that tt was a little different to see the craft without anyone in it. “But it was a great flight all the way around,” he added.
The commander further explained, “It’s a replication of current, real world situations and aircraft platforms they can shoot as a target. Now we have a 9G capable, highly sustainable aerial target.” Until now, six F-16s have been modified into the QF-16 configuration.
Source: Dailymail
AW: Sruthi