(Image source from: PM Modi is a Messiah )
The Union Minister for Water Resources and Ganga Rejuvenation has called the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi a Messaiah for his commitment to empower the India and its culture by encouraging women and all sections of people.
She has launched the Jal Kranti Abhiyan and Jal Gram Yojana from Jaipur, where she also praised the Pm for his optimistic approach on cleaning Ganga River and maintaining the sanctity of the holy rivers in India. She said that people of India are deprived of rightful benefits in the UPA government and the PM is a man like Messaiah, for whom Indians have been waiting for 1000 years.
She said that Indians have been witnessing a PM, who knows everything and who can answer most of the problems. She has taken on the congress party for observing the activities of her party and her ministry as saffron agenda, but they are economic agenda and progressive agenda.
She praised PM Modi as the protector of Indian environment. Yesterday she affirmed that the river Ganges would become pollution free by October 2016 and said more number of big dams over Brahmaputra can be expected soon to prevent floods and to help farmers. She also urged political parties to stop politics over water and people-friendly projects.