Donald Trump Says- No Entry For Immigrants Who Fail To Pay For Health Care
October 05, 2019 08:53
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Donald Trump approved a new health care plan which will be effective from Nov 3. The plan is about- immigrants who cannot pay for health are not allowed to enter US.
Under this new rule of president, the immigrants need to pay for health insurance within 30 days. This health care plan was approved on Friday. The plan would not be applied for any individual’s eligibility for asylum or refugee status.
As per modern refugee program, it is planned to allow only 18,000 refugees to settle in the United States, the next year 2020.
Trump said, the new rule is applied for the people who are about to enter United States with an immigrant Visa. If the legal immigrants can show the evidence of existing health insurance or the other means to cover their medical expenses, then they will no barriers to enter The United States.
A document is prepared where there are types of insurance which can be approved as health care pay. Employer sponsored plans and the health insurance plans under Medicare programs can be included as the pay for health care. Again, for people over the age 18 with the coverage under the Medical program for the poor is not approved.
In the proclamation, Donald Trump said- "While our healthcare system grapples with the challenges caused by uncompensated care, the United States Government is making the problem worse by admitting thousands of aliens who have not demonstrated any ability to pay for their healthcare costs."
By Ramya