Samsung has earned itself a name in the smartphone market with its superior models available at all price ranges. However, the success is not all Samsung since it is all majorly developed on the Google Android platform. In fact over 96% of the phones from the South Korean manufacturer run on Android. But Samsung seems to be tired of giving away all credit to Google's Android Operating system.
Newer reports show that the mobile phone company is inclining towards another open-source platform, Tizen, backed by Intel. And this is not a plan for the distant future. Come August, the phone might be on the shelves in the market already. Tech-minded geeks who like to play with the platforms and embrace open-source gadgets will be most happy with this news. Apple and Google now have another challenger who has the potential to be big with takers like Samsung.
Samsung is Apple's biggest rival while a few years ago they were the most valued sellers of mobile spares to Apple. Google has also acquired Motorola and moved into mobile production recently, eschewing Samsung from making their phones. Bada OS, from Samsung has failed to overpower Android, and so have Windows mobiles. Samsung has found its alternative now, will Tizen be the final solution?
(AW- Anil)