(Image source from: Attractive Wives Happier)
An attractive woman is the centre of attention at any gathering. Now a new study has found that attractive women are also successful when it comes to marital bliss compared to women who are unattractive. The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology has published this study.
Psychologist Andrea Meltzer in a study that lasted four years found that men were satisfied with their marital life when they had a good-looking women as their partner, according to reports in Huffington Post. For the research, Meltzer asked 450 newlywed couples if an attractive spouse was responsible for a more satisfying relationship.
The study revealed that wives' attractiveness had a positive and stronger impact on the husbands' satisfaction in a marriage, compared to the role of husbands' attractiveness on satisfaction of wives when it came to relationship. This showed that attractiveness of the spouse has a larger role to play in men's marital satisfaction, compared to women's satisfaction. Moreover, the study also reported that wives with good looks reported higher levels of marital satisfaction, as their happiness were depended on the happiness of their husbands.
(Picture Source: us.123rf.com)
(AW: Pratima Tigga)