Cleverly unbaked snacksHealthy Living

February 05, 2015 11:36

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Many parents of Marquez Elementary school have shown concern about their kids buying and eating unhealthy snacks like doughnuts or cupcakes from the school bake sale.

New federal nutrition has set guidelines which includes calorie counts and ingredient requirements in a food. These guidelines have prompted parents to worry. A new company has come with a solution to it, wherein the sugar content snacks will be replaced with fruits and vegetables done up like Eric Carle grape-and-tomato caterpillars, strawberry aliens with berry antennae and pepper boats filled with hummus.  

The company, based in the San Joaquin Valley has come up with a clever idea of UnBake Sales program in response to those guidelines. Schools can now go to for recipes and suggestions about holding their own sales to raise funds.

"It's an American tradition. The fifth grade needs to go to Sacramento. This is how you raise the money," said Joyce Wong Kup, co-chair of the booster club at Marquez Elementary. The Marquez Elementary is a publicly funded independent school established by teachers, parents, or community groups under the terms of a charter with a local or national authority. It houses 540 students.

The Unbake sale success depends on these students.

AW: Smrutirekha

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