(Image source from: Canva.com)
Chest pain is a sign of mild complaints about medical emergencies. It is often related to heart problems, including heart attacks, but not all chest pain. Some experts provide insights into the overall cause of chest pain and look for medical treatment. The general cause of chest pain is as follows:
Causes of incompatible intestines: Not all pain in the chest hangs together with the heart. Some reasons are as follows:
Gastrointestinal problem: Saurer reflux or breast burns can cause chest burning that can be confused with a heart attack.
Musculoskeletal problem: chest muscles or ribs or stick injuries can lead to severe local pain. The discomfort is often worse when you move and breathe.
Anxiety and horror attacks: stress pain in the breast is common in fear and horror episodes. The symptoms include a quick heart rate, shortness of breath and breast stress, but usually dissolves as soon as they drown.
Cause of the heart: The heart is usually serious and the medical evaluation is quickly guaranteed. Some reasons are as follows:
Academy: This type of breast pain occurs to the heart by reducing blood flow. In many cases, this is caused by physical activity and stress and feels like compression and pressure on the chest.
Heart attack: Heart attacks usually occur as breast pressure and stiffness, which often spread in the arms, in the back, in the neck or in the chin. Other symptoms are shortness of breath, lamb, sweating and nausea.
When do you want medical help?
According to Dr. Goel, especially if you have serious symptoms or others, surprising, especially if you are suddenly serious, you should always be careful. If you experience it, ask your doctor's advice immediately:
- Sustainable chest pain that lasts more than a few minutes
- Pain spreads in other areas such as arms and pines
- Shortness of breath and shortness of breath of the breath
- Nausea and vomiting
- Light or weaker
Even if the pain drowns, advice with your doctor is essential for the search for an appropriate assessment in order to eliminate basic conditions.